Film Sack

Film Sack
Hosting Scott Johnson, Brian Ibbott, Brian Dunaway, Randy Jordan
Language English
Updates Weekly
Length 60 to 75 minutes
Audio format MP3
Debut October 30, 2009
Genre Movies
Provider FrogPants Studios Network

Film Sack is a weekly podcast focused on film and television created by Scott Johnson on the FrogPants Studios Network. Hosted by Scott Johnson, Brian Ibbott (from Coverville), Brian Dunaway, and Randy Jordan, it features roundtable discussions on different movies or occasional television episodes. As the hosts encourage their audience to watch the material prior to the episode, they attempt to focus on items available via streaming media, primarily Netflix. This also facilitates the availability of the film to all four hosts at the same time. Generally targeting movies that fall more into the cult/b-movie/box office failure category, the podcast maintains its tagline, Mining the depths of film entertainment for all mankind...[1]



The podcast is hosted by Scott Johnson, creator of FrogPants Studios and several other shows, including ExtraLife Radio. Co-hosts include frequent collaborators Brian Ibbott from Coverville, Brian Dunaway from Comics Coast to Coast, and Randy Jordan (formerly of The Instance).


Regular episodes

Film Sack typically runs one-hour long. Starting with a sound bite from the item being covered and a greeting by the hosts, a synopsis of the movie will be read by voice-over actor Scott Fletcher. The panelists cover the content of the movie or television episode, often discussing trivia regarding the movie. If an actor or director has been covered in an earlier episode, this is usually noted. The hosts will occasionally interact via chat with the audience listening to the recording of the show. The host will then play clips taken from the movie, sometimes for comedic effect, sometimes to demonstrate important parts of plot, or to point out bad editing. To conclude the podcast, the co-hosts will sum up their feelings of the movie with a 140-character Twitter post. A short selection of Scott Fletcher-voiced movie quotes will then be played. These are followed by Scott summing up what he learned from the film to comedic effect.



Tropes are usually pointed out by the four hosts, such as sassy black female characters, wise-cracking sidekicks, false introductions, etc. These are signified by a blaring "red alert" sound similar to that of Star Trek's Enterprise.

The Star Trek Connection

The panelists will frequently remark upon the connection between the Star Trek universe with the film being reviewed, in the manner of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. These connections are normally an actor that has appeared in any of the Star Trek series (from the Original Series to Enterprise) or any of the eleven films. Crew members of the films that have worked behind the scenes on both the film and in the Star Trek universe have also been mentioned. The hosts will occasionally read submissions from the podcast audience listing such connections.

The Checklist

Beginning with Episode 12, the host started "The Film Sack Checklist". These are film tropes that seem to occur on a regular basis with the movies they have watched for the podcast. The checklist includes tropes such as dumb parents, decapitations, title with a double meaning, and "caves that look like a vagina".

The Awards

Beginning with episode 49, the Film Sack Checklist became "The Film Sack Awards". The awards are given to cast and crew members of the film and sometimes the film itself. While the checklist checked every film against the tropes on the list, the awards given and discussed vary from episode to episode. Some common awards are the "Wilford Brimley Moustache Award", the "Baby Ruth Bodily Function Award", and the "Sharon Stone Skin Award".

"Bonus Sacks"

Along with the regular episodes they produce, the Film Sack crew occasionally release "Bonus Sacks". These episodes are full-length commentary tracks that are meant to be played along with specific movies as an alternate sound track. Similar to Mike Nelson's RiffTrax, the panelists will discuss the movie as they watch it. Consequently, these episodes do not include the standard segments from the normal episodes.[2]

Episode Listing


External links